Organization of poker markets as national reservations is a wide spread practice. In Europe this principle is realized in Italy, Spain, Portugal, France. The main advantage of poker reservation and the goal of creating them is full control of financial streams and keeping the capital inside the country. On the other hand, such organization of poker market has one major disadvantage – size. The population of 10 million residents in Portugal and over 60 million in France and Italy gives a firm restriction for the growth of business and, therefore, its profitability and effectiveness.
Certainly those in such a business realize this fact and lately some events may be interpreted as a try to find a way out of this situation. The way out is fairly simple and it helps saving the main advantage of poker reservation and increases its size. It is in the bigger national reservation inside European Union, that has financial and organizational structures that ease thus task.
During the latest year, the latest loophole was closed in Italian reservation with traffic segregation for .com and .it in The Hive network, Winamax received licenses to operate in Spain and Portugal and announced hiring employers with possession of Spanish and Portuguese. There were also pieces of news about work towards uniting pools.
Now we have an open info about this big reservation being created. Alex Dreyfus (Head of Global Poker Index) announced in Twitter that documents about uniting poker reservations of Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. Tech moments of this union will be tested this autumn.
It is possible that this is only the first step and only those countries prepared for it the most are uniting in the moment. More than two hundred million residents in this new reservation is great but EU can have twice bigger market.
Our web site supplies an opportunity to play in the most European poker reservations. As new bigger reservation of four countries with bigger traffic is being created, the new players will have an access to it with the best possible terms.